For Crisis Management Team (CMT)

Implement Business Continuity Plan

Course Overview

This Business Continuity course gives an overview of the principles and practice of Business Continuity Management, based on the Business Continuity Institute’s Best Practice Guidelines. This course will help delegates who may not have in depth knowledge of Business Continuity to understand the fundamental elements of planning and developing a Business Continuity Plan within their organisation.

Who Should Attend?

- Directors and Senior Managers with responsibility for planning and managing risk

- Business Continuity Professionals

- Operations Managers

- Risk Management Managers

- IT Managers

- All personnel who need to get up to speed quickly with terminology and practices of Business Continuity Management

After Completion, You Will Be Able To:

- Recognise and appreciate the need for business continuity management planning

- Have the understanding of the importance of planning and developing BC Plans for your organisation

- Understand the key elements of a business continuity plan

- Understand the basic and necessary applicability of the business continuity industrial practices within your job responsibilities

- Understand the benefits and be aware of some of the pitfalls in Business Continuity Management

- Gain the tools to understand and build key elements of a business continuity plan for your organisation

Topics Included:

- Introduction and overview of Business Continuity Management

- The language, concepts and tools of Business Continuity

- How to conduct a Risk Analysis and Business Impact Analysis

- Understanding the key elements of a continuity plan

- Developing and implementing the continuity plan

- How to exercise and test the continuity plan

- Maintaining and embedding Business Continuity Management in the culture of the organisation

The course is designed to be interactive with numerous group discussion sessions to reinforce principles and concepts introduced during theory presentations.


1 Day

For more information or course registration, please write to us at [email protected].

Manage Media During Crisis

Course Overview

In an incident or crisis situation your organisation will be faced with a high level of scrutiny from the industry, the government and the general public. The Media plays a key role in steering the opinion of these groups on how you as an organisation are performing in managing the event.

This highly-specialised 1 day media programme will ensure your organisation obtains a foundation of good media handling and management during an incident or crisis. Effectively managing the media will help minimise any reputation damage to your organisation and even enhance that reputation for the foreseeable future.

Who Should Attend?

- Media Handling Personnel

- Senior Management involved in response to an incident or crisis

- All personnel who may have direct or indirect involvement in managing an incident or  crisis

After Completion, You Will Be Able To:

- Know how the media think and operate in their pursuit of news

- Appreciate the advantages of maintaining an effective media response strategy during crisis

- Gain valuable techniques in speaking to media professionals and handling media interviews

- Understand the importance of prompt and accurate press statements

- Understand the importance of taking charge of your Press Conferences

- Recognise the influence, both positive and negative the media have on your organisations reputation

Topics Included:

- Understanding the importance of your reputation

- An overview of what the media is and how it operates

- How to use the news media to gain positive publicity for your organisation

- Real insights into the journalists’ way of thinking and operating in covering news

- How to handle press conferences and other media interviews skillfully and confidently

- How to prevent the media from turning situations into issues or controversies detrimental to your organisation

- Practical exercises under a variety of different scenarios including mock press interviews and “ambush” interviews with professional journalists

The course is designed to be interactive with numerous group discussion sessions to reinforce principles and concepts introduced during theory presentations. Journalists’ “tricks of the trade” and interview techniques will also be discussed.


1 Day

For more information or course registration, please write to us at [email protected].

Manage Next-of-kin Response During Crisis

Course Overview

Whenever an incident or crisis occurs, invariably the lives of many people are negatively affected. The immediate victims of an emergency are not only those that have been injured or killed but also the families and friends of those involved. The response by the employer to these affected families can adversely affect the long term reputation of the organisation and place intense public scrutiny on the effectiveness of the company to continue to operate. This course is designed to ensure your organisation understands the importance of managing the care of families with compassion and sensitivity not just from a moral and ethical “duty of care” standpoint but also to ensure the viability of your business.

Who Should Attend?

- Human Resources professionals

- Public Relations professionals

- Senior Management involved in response to an incident or crisis

- All personnel who may have direct or indirect involvement in managing the incident or crisis

After Completion, You Will Be Able To:

- Gain valuable techniques in speaking to families of victims and the general public

- Understand the importance of sensitivity when dealing with families

- Understand the various response strategies required at various times during the recovery period

- Recognise the influence, both positive and negative the families have on your organisations reputation

Topics Included:

- Understanding the wide affect emergencies have on people

- How to plan for the response to victim’s families

- Practical exercises in responding to families calls over the phone

- Working with families over the medium and long term recovery process

The training is designed to be interactive with numerous tabletop exercises and activities for the delegates throughout the course to re-inforce introduced principles and concepts.


1 Day

For more information or course registration, please write to us at [email protected].

Mitigate Crisis Management

Course Overview

When an incident occurs, it can rapidly develop into a crisis for your business. Senior management plays a critical role in the overall management of any incident to mitigate the detrimental impacts and avoid a crisis situation occurring. This course is designed to provide practical skills and guidance to senior leaders within a business to assist them in managing a critical situation or event and ensure the ongoing continuity of the business operation.

Who Should Attend?

- Senior Management

- HSEQ related professionals

- Emergency Planners

- Business Continuity Professionals

- All personnel wanting a brief overview of crisis management concepts

After Completion, You Will Be Able To:

- Recognise the types of incidents that can develop into crises

- Understand the difference between Incident management and Crisis Management

- Understand the roles and responsibilities of Crisis Management Team members

- Utilise Crisis Management tools and processes

- Understand the importance of clear communications when managing a crisis

- Understand the usage of an effective system for managing information during a crisis

- Understand the value of a well written Crisis Management Plan

Topics Included:

- Types of Crises

- Incident Management and Crisis Management

- Crisis Management Team Organisation and Structure

- Crisis Management Team Roles and Responsibilities

- Crisis Management Team Response Process

- Principles of leadership and teamwork during a crisis

- An understanding of communications during a crisis

- Stress Awareness

- Managing Reputation

- Purpose and Scope of Crisis Management Plan

- Case Study / Lessons-Learned / Final Exercise

The training is designed to be interactive with numerous tabletop exercises and activities for the delegates throughout the course to reinforce introduced principles and concepts. The course style will focus on the basic principles of crisis management to ensure applicability to all operations.


1 Day

For more information or course registration, please write to us at [email protected].

Crisis Management Workshop Training

For more information or course registration, please write to us at [email protected].